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Lesson Plan for M

Subject: Literacy


Topic: Morning breakfast/grooming routine using a 4 slot sequence box and a ‘now’ and ‘finished’ bucket




M will:


  1. Use her real objects that symbolize meaningful activities to communicate about routines and activity in her day.

  2. Recognize symbols necessary to complete her 4 step sequence for breakfast/grooming tasks.

  3. Track her sequence box from left to right using a now and finished bucket.


Materials: 4 slot sequence box with her familiar items; small bowl to symbolize eating, toothbrush to brush teeth, panties for bathroom and washcloth to wash face, and her now and finished buckets.


Instructional Strategies


Teacher Aide’s Actions:


  1. Model consistent, simple words and signs/gestures to label the actions and objects during M’s morning routine.

  2. Help M scan her sequence box from left to right using hand-under-hand prompting while labeling each item.

  3. Using hand-under-hand prompting bring M’s hand back to the beginning to see if she will reach for the first item on her own.

  4. Help M touch the first item in the sequence box with hand-under-hand prompting if she does not do on her own.

  5. Once M completes the task from her sequence box/now box, tap the finished basket as her cue to put the object in.

  6. Model the sign for finished using hand-under-hand.


Accommodations/Modifications by Teacher &/or Aide


Teacher’s Actions:


  1. Provide consistent routine based learning to develop literacy, and provide TA with any updates or changes in M’s routine.

  2. Provide TA with M’s objects, and alert TA if change in object.

  3. Consistently provide a quiet and calm environment in the classroom.



Teacher Aide’s Actions:


  1. Allow M ample time to process the information during her morning routine.

  2. Repeat directions, prompts, commands as needed.




Teacher’s Actions:


  1. Assess M’s progress through observation of TA during morning routine.

  2. Work with M to reassess morning routine and determine progress, and if modifications should be made.


Teacher Aide’s Actions:

  1. Provide teacher with feedback after working with M during morning routine on any progress made or problems that arose.

  2. Give M praise if she reaches in her sequence box to get the next item by labeling it “bowl” “Yes, bowl!”

  3. Provide teacher with weekly feedback on teacher provided data sheets to evaluate lesson plan effectiveness.



Additional Teacher Aide Assignments (if time allows):


  1. When M is finished with her morning routine, she can sit on her bean bag in her chill-out space.

  2. Offer M two toys (from her familiar box of toys) on her choice board using hand-under-hand prompting, label each toy with simple words, and wait for M to choose her toy, label the name of the toy when M chooses it.

  3. Help M push the choice tray away with the unchosen toy on it.


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