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Summary Sheet for Planning M’s Calendar

Student’s Name: M



Timeframe: Anticipation Calendar System


Individual Modifications: M has severe expressive and receptive language delays, and she understands actual symbols of the task with a verbal phrase during the familiar routine that is going to happen at that moment. M requires hand under hand to retrieve the symbol from the future basket with a verbal phrase to then place it in the “Now” basket.


M’s Timepiece:

Pictured is M’s future box with all of her symbols, her “Now” basket with the bowl in it which indicates snack time and the “Finished” basket where she will place her bowl with hand under hand assist when she is done. The calendar piece is set up in M’s space with the beads on the back of her chair for calming.

Materials Need for Time Piece: The materials needed for M’s time piece include her future basket of symbols, and now and finished baskets.


Roster of Symbols: M understands the following symbols with a verbal phrase; spoon, bowl, divided plate, swimsuit, underwear, slinky fish (P.E.), popcorn kernels in a sealed Tupperware. Some other symbols include a bell for music, yoga mat, cups, balls that M is working towards accepting and understanding.

Who Does the Calendar Routine with the Student? The people performing the calendar routine can be the Teacher, the Teacher Assistant, the O&M specialist, the Speech Therapist, and the Occupational Therapist.


IEP Objectives Addressed During Calendar Routines:


Science: When given sensory toys with hand under hand, M will explore two objects simultaneously in 4 out of 5 opportunities.


Daily Living: M will use her utensils during her eating routine and accept assistance for 50% of the activity.


Language Arts: M will signal to stop an activity by independently placing the object in a “finished” basket 3 out of 4 times.


Social Studies: During a familiar routine, M will perform her own part in 3 out of 4 opportunities.


ECC:  M will participate in a familiar interactive routine by taking turns with sounds or movement and anticipate/initiate the next sound or movement in 3 out of 4 opportunities.


General Steps of M’s Routine:


  1. M is guided to her desk area where the future, now and finished baskets are always kept in the same place. The teacher guides M with hand under hand to the future basket to get the symbol for the activity.

  2. M’s teacher uses hand under hand to help M place the symbol in the now basket while using a verbal phrase.

  3. M’s teacher immediately guides M to the activity to be performed with another verbal phrase.

  4. M performs the activity with her teacher and others students if appropriate.

  5. Once the activity is finished, M’s teacher uses hand under hand to guide M to place the symbol in her finished basket. M’s teacher uses the verbal phrase finished as M is placing the symbol into the basket.


Steps to Introduce the Format:


  1. Anticipation Calendar System is located in the same area that M is familiar with.

  2. The symbol is used for only one activity that M is becoming familiar with.

  3. Allow M to explore the symbol while using a verbal phrase to consistently help her understand the meaning.

  4. The symbols chosen are ones that M has connected to and responded favorably.

  5. The symbols are smaller in size to allow M to explore the entire symbol and also so that it fits in her baskets.

  6. The action of the symbol is performed immediately after presenting it to M with a verbal phrase.

  7. Perform the activity with M right away.

  8. Immediately guide M to placing symbol in finished basket when activity is completed.


Possible Expansion Activities:


  1. Divide the future symbols basket in two sections and offer M a choice of activities with hand under hand, then wait for her to pick one of the symbol choices.

  2. Tap the future basket to initiate M to reach for the symbol on her own.

  3. Tap the finished basket and say “finished” to initiate M to reach for basket to place symbol away.

  4. Use hand under hand to sign “finished” to attempt to see if M will sign on her own.




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